Robust Web3 Hosting

Turnkey offshore hosting.
Laconic provides technical solutions to facilitate the
jurisdictional diversity of your application and organization.

Why Laconic?


For Developers

Deploy across many jurisdictions and outsource hosting responsibilities to service providers.

  • Plug and play solution

  • Kubernetes support

  • Quick automated setup

  • Deploy across other ecosystems

  • Register apps and data on chain

  • Support broad user base


For App Users

Improved service and customization

  • Applications custom to your jurisdiction

  • Easily host your own up-to-date version

  • Sane privacy settings

  • Higher quality service and uptime

  • Verifiable data accuray

  • Ability to exit with your data

Join Us

Latest News

BY Zach Ramsay07.24.2024
A Return to Chain Minimalism

In web3, things move fast — and one year can feel closer to five when you look at what’s being built. It’s safe to say that quite a lot has changed in the two years since we published an article...

BY Zach Ramsay07.18.2024
Announcing the Laconic Incentivized Testnet

The Laconic Testnet is going live on August 12. Register to become an early service provider — and earn LNT tokens. At Laconic, a next-generation data availability & verifiability layer, our...

BY Michael Gushansky02.09.2023
Rick Dudley Discusses Laconic Network on The Interop

Laconic cofounder Rick Dudley appeared on a special livestream of The Interop with host Sebastien Couture to discuss the Laconic Stack, the blockchain data problems that Laconic solves, Laconic’s...